I was having an e-mail conversation with my SIL, like ya do, and we were discussing Christmas gifts. We both have decided that since money is really tight this year, that there were going to be lots of home made goodies given, in a gift basket form (jams, jellies, cookies and breads, that sort of thing). Then we got to discussing gift for our own children. We discussed how they get too many gifts some years. And as they get older, they don't really need that many. Then, she tells me that the only gift she has from her childhood is a old afghan that was made for her. She asked me if I still had any of my old Christmas gifts. So, I thought about it, and realized that I do have 3 from when I was young. I have my baby Strawberry Shortcake doll, my Baby Bubble bath time doll, and a Little Mermaid necklace from Avon. That really made me think. I don't have any handmade gifts. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that only one of my grandmothers does any type of crafting. My grandmother Bonnie quilts, but she's never made anything for me. Maybe it's because I'm only a step-grandchild? And only my great-grandma Maletha did any crafting. She made quilts, too. But she died in the late '50's. My mom does have several of her quilts, but that's because she inherited them when her dad died. Which made me realize, maybe that's why I am such an crafting addict. Maybe that's why I insist on making at least 1 blanket a year for my girls. Maybe that's why I insist on making gifts for my nieces and cousins, my parents, and what's left of my grandparents. Maybe that's why I have fabric and yarn all over my house. Maybe.
Well, I didn't get to knit last night. I spent the evening rearranging my china cabinet. Then after dinner, I played video games. Well, I played the new Indiana Jones Lego game. I love that game, it's so cool. But, I'll share a pic of my china cabinet (aka curio cabinet pretending to be a china cabinet, as I don't have enough room in my new place for a real one):

This is my pride and joy. On the bottom three shelves is my collection of Fine China of Japan #6701, pattern name Vintage. I have 13 place settings (I put only 12 in the cabinet, as it looks better), the platter, gravy boat with underplate, tea pot, sugar with lid and creamer. As I was moving it around, I broke my round veggie bowl. But, that's a common piece, and I found a replacement that I'm ordering from ebay at the end of the week. But in the process of looking for another bowl, I found the covered soup turine. I ordered it, and that's why I have to wait till the end of the week to order the other. The only thing I need is the salt & pepper shakers. Then, on the top of the cabinet is the beginnings of my Libbey Silver Leaf glass collection. They go very well with the china. On the top shelf is my odds and ends tea pot, etc, collection. Maybe one day I'll take some pics of my vintage luncheon plate collection.
Katie has a make up game tonight, way out in the boonies. So, I'll have garaunteed knitting time. I'd take pics, but Mr. S borrowed my camera last night, so I'll have to take them later.
Happy Knitting!
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