I am feeling a little better. So, here is a pic of my yarn from Knit Picks.

From left top: Essentials in Grass, Memories in Red Hat and on the bottom is the my Wool of the Andes Black Cherry Heather. Let me just say, this pic does not do the Black Cherry Heather any justice. It is really not that red. And, Central Park Hoodie, here I come!
While I was bed-ridden over the weekend, I did do a couple of left-over stash projects. I made a couple of Sophie bags. One for me and one for Katie. Here is my Buckeye Sophie bag:
For scale, here it's sitting on top of my dyer just before going into the washer. Next up is Katie's:
Here, it's laying on my laptop for scale. I call it the Barney bag, because this purple reminds me of Barney. Now for the after photo:
Katie's turned out just ever so slightly bigger. Hmm?
Oh, I forgot to show you this:
I went to mom & dad's one Saturday about a month ago and played in the wood shop. Mom helped me make this swift. It's a little on the rough side, and next time we know what mistakes not to make, but it still works great.
I think the last couple of pics that I'm missing are of my car after it came out of the body shop, and the pic of where Mr. Vinny decided to get into my bag of roving and play. Bad Kitty!!! I'm still trying to figure out how to fix that. But I'll post them when I find them.
On the knitting front, I have come up with about 6 pattern design ideas to help fund my trip to Scotland. Now to come up with the yarn and motivation to finish the designs. The motivation shouldn't be the hard part. Coming up with the money for the yarn, on the other hand, will be the hard part. I have started another left over stash project. I have taken the left over yarn from my Irish Hiking Scarf and started a matching hat. So far, so good. I realized on Sunday, that between my car accident (not being able to knit because of my shoulder) and being sick, I missed finishing my socks in progress for my SAM2 September credit! :( But now that I am slowly, but surely coming out of my sickness haze, maybe I can make up for that. And now I'll say good night, as I am so tired from my first day back to work this week.
I love the bags! Very nice. I really like your new yarns, too, especially that black cherry! Wow!
i love their essentials it feels soo soft!
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