In other knitting, I have casted on for my dad's fingerless gloves. I casted on Monday, and I only have the thumb to finish on the first one. I have also casted on for a pair of sock in the Yukon Leaves pattern for my self in the Lana Grossa Meilenweit Fun, in colorway # 138. I love this color way. It reminds me of hiking in the hills of southern Ohio and looking out over the canopy of changing leaves. As soon as I make real progress on it, I'll post a pic.
For the last week, Annie has been very sick. She has run fevers, had a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and been pukey! Yuck! When I got to mom's yesterday to pick up the girls, mom told me that I had to wash her coat and sweater, as she puked during recess and didn't tell the teacher, she just brushed herself off and zipped her jacket up over it. Gross! When I asked her about it, she said,"But mommy, I didn't tell the teacher because I didn't want to come home, I wasn't done with recess. Besides, that's what happened to the first kid who puked, he had to go home." Well, it apparently wasn't alot, or very nasty, as there was no stain or smell. And the sweater and coat got thrown in the washer promptly. Then, she sat on the floor next to my bed all evening, coloring as I knitted. At 8 o'clock, she packed up the coloring books and crayons and climbed up on the bed with me. Now, she is a chatterbox, let me tell you. I swear she is powered by Energizer most of the time, and she gets worse as she gets sleepy, to keep from going to sleep. However, it was time for America's Next Top Model. So, as my fingers flew furiously on dad's glove, I tried to concentrate on hearing the tv over her. Finally, I gently shushed her so I could hear. This must have done the trick, because she got really still, which means she went to sleep. Here is what I saw when I got up for a potty trip during a commercial:

There she is, fast asleep with her trusty side-kick, Candie, the Build-a-bear dog. Don't worry, I did change her out of her jeans and into her penguin pj's. She slept there peacfully until about 10 o'clock when she started coughing really bad. Then we had a repeat of the recess incident. Poor baby. But, since she is on a funky school schedule, and they have not school on Friday, she doesn't have to go back until Monday.
About a week and a half ago, one of my managers loaned me the first season of Lost, stating that I have to watch it because she knows that I'll just love it. I still haven't gotten near a dvd player with it, I have to crack down and watch it so I can give it back to her. Maybe that's what I'll watch tonight as I knit.
Awww, I hope she feels better really soon. My littlest one had the flu last Tuesday and missed preschool that day. Then it turned into a cold, which he seems to be passing on to me.
poor baby girl, my kids had the flu the same weekend.
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