Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Warning: Whiny post about hot weather ahead.

Anyone remember that Buster Poindexter song? But, that's what it's been around here lately. Hot! Hot! Hot! It's been too hot to knit. I don't even want to knit in the a/c. The past couple of days, with the heat index, it's been in the 100's. All I want to do is veg. And I'm trying to adjust back to my work schedule. All this week I haven't been able to fall asleep any time before 1:30 am, and I have to get up no later than 6:30 am. It's starting to take it's toll. So, I'm going to finish my show (So You Think You Can Dance), and get Alien Vs. Preditor for dad.


1 comment:

roccermom said...

it has finally cooled off here, i have never been so glad to see fog! those pictures from the caves look great. i don't usually go to bed before midnight, and more often it's 1 am. but at leat i get to snooze untill 8. aaaaaah. 8.