Thursday, February 01, 2007

Retail Therapy

Today was a pretty ok day. I was scheduled for a half day, as I was on call this past weekend. Since I work in the transportation industry, that means that someone has to answer the phone, 24 hours a day. During the week, a couple of the managers rotate, but the weekends are manned by the rest of us. Anyway, back to where I was. So, I got off of work at noon and headed to Wal Mart to get my oil changed. After that I planned to head home to pick up a few things before going to Mom's. And this evening was scheduled Katie's choir concert. But, while I was waiting for my car, I decided to roam the store. I stopped in the photo department to browse, as I wanted to get a better digital camera with part of my tax return. I figured, what couldn't it hurt to plan ahead. I was looking for something will a good zoom and decent mega pixels. This caught my eye. And the price was great. It was one of those situations of "How can I pass this up." I had the little chickie behind the counter look for one. She said that they had one that a woman bought on line, but realized it was the wrong one and brought into the store to exchange for what she wanted. We got that one out, looked it over and decided that I would take it. She rang it up, I paid and signed for it, but as she was bagging it, it suddenly hit me that there was no USB cord in the box. When I pointed that out, she pulled it back out and looked. Sure enough, there was no cord. She said that it had been in the box when the woman returned it (or she wouldn't have be able to) and apparently, someone had taken it. She told me that she couldn't sell it me at that point, but would check to see if another store had one for me. The store that was 10 minutes away had 2, and they put one on hold for me, and she put my money on a gift card so I could pop over there and get the new one. Let me tell you. I love, love, love this camera. I took it with me to Katie's concert and even video'd her solo. And take a peek of my sock in Lorna's Laces in Irving Park.

That is so much better than my little Polaroid digital. Even in my dark, dungeon of a bedroom, it shows the true colors. I am a Happy, Happy Girl! So, that means next weekend when we go to the Newport Aquarium, I'll have some great pics to share. Welp, off to bed, so I can have a (hopefully) good Friday. Happy Knitting!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the camera! It's so much fun to make that special find at the store.

lexa said...

Congrats on the camera! Looking forward to seeing you pictures. I have an Easyshare, but it's old. The assistant manager where I work has one like yours (his is black and probably a model or so down from you, he's had it almost a year). It takes beautiful pictures. He went to England, Germany, and Amsterdam last May, and he got absolutely gorgeous pictures. I'm sure you'll be very happy with it.