Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!

This is the last post of the year. At the end of the day, I am off the a 3 day weekend of knitting, cleaning, and fun with the girlies. It will have to be fun with the kids, as I am on call for work this weekend. Such fun, huh? Here's hopeing to no fires to be put out this weekend. May the Heavens watch over me, so that I may have a quiet weekend, with no work phone calls.

On to Sock obsession:

Here is the first finished house sock, on to the next one. It should finish faster, now that I know what to do with it. Not bad, if I do say so myself. It's very warm and toasty. Just what I need for cold Ohio weather, if we ever see that again. It's been mildly cold and rainy since Christmas Eve. And by mildly, I mean in the low 40's.

Ok, I am never one to make and/or keep New Year's resolutions. But, I think I shall make a few for next year.

  1. Loose the weight I gained during summer cookouts of '05.
  2. Loose another 15 lbs past the above mentioned.
  3. To aid in the above 2 resolutions, funnel all lunch and snack money to yarn stash and needle collection.
  4. Finish the as of yet unfinished To Do knit list.
  5. Find more fun and interesting things for girlies and me to do this year.
  6. Make it back to the Renn Fests that I have missed for the past year or two.
  7. After completing resolutions 1 & 2, strive to make bizzar dreams of late come true. (Miss Tammi, you'll know exactly which ones those are.)
  8. Knit Annie and myself a sweater or 2 (to match the 2 I still need to make Katie).
  9. Make sure that I don't gain more weight from summer cookouts of '06.
  10. And, gerernally try for my life to NOT resemble the Bridgit Jones movies.

There, I think I have over done it for myself. Anyway...

Happy New Year, Everyone!!!!

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